Showing posts with label EveryDayScience. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EveryDayScience. Show all posts

Friday, 21 February 2014

Scientific abbreviations stand for???

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(A) STP: Standard Temperature Pressure

(B) ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate

(C) PNP: Proton Neutron Proton

(D) LAN: Local Area Network

(E) KWH: Kilo Watt Hour

(F) BTU: British Thermal Unit

(G) LDL: Low-Density Lipoprotein

(H) ROM: Read only memory

(I)  MAF: Million Acre Feet

(J) SONAR: Sound Navigation and Ranging

What are the various sources of energy?

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ANS:Forms of Energy:

            Coal is one of the major forms of is formed when buried plants and animals under pressure change into fossil fuel.Coal is used for the production of about 30% of world's power and energy.

             Petroleum is found underground in large quantities deposited in is crude oil and a fossil guel formed by decay of dead and living organisms.Big deposite of petroleum are found in USA,Russia,Gulf States and Venezuela.

(3)Natural Gas:
                 Natural gase is another form of energy .Methane (60-80%) and Ethane(5-9%)are major components of natural gas.It is a cheap source of energy.

(4)Hydroelectric Power:
                        River water stored in lakes is used as a source of hydroelectric power.Falling water rotates turbines which generate electricity.

(5)Nuclear Energy:
              Nuclear power is used for generation of electricity.Nuclear energy is generated through nuclear reactors.In Pakistan this form of electricity is produced by Karachi Nuclear Power Plant(KANUPP) and Chashma Plant.

(6)Solar Energy:
                      Solar energy is that energy which is obtained from the sunlight.When sunlight strikes certain heavy metals like selenium electrons move and produce electricity.

(7)Wind Energy:
                Energy is also obtained from the wing by using wind mills.The Wind rotates generators which produce electricity.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

What is Pesticides

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Pesticides:Pesticides are posionous substances,which are used to kill or control the animal or plant pests,Pesticides are also harmful form human beings and useful animals pesticides are usually classified
according to their target pests.For example,insecticides are chemicals which are use to kill insects,Herbicides,Fungicides,miticides are few pesticides ,DDT chlordane malathion etc are insecticides.

Differentiate clearly between Cyclone,Hurricane and Tornado

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Hurricanes: are also called tropical cyclones or typhoons.These are intense circular low pressure system that develop between latitides 5 and 25 North and South over seas whose surface temperature is higher than 28C.Around a central core of extremely low pressure the moist are spins and rises swifly to form spiralling velt of clouds which resembles a whirlpool.The storm is maintained by the vast amount of energy released by rapid condensation of rising air.Hurricanes can be recognized at radar screens and satellite pictures.Circular  or rotatory system of winds or storm is known as  cyclone.west Indian cyclone,a vioent strom of wind over 80 miles (130km) per hour is known as Hurricane.Tornado is whirlwind that is up to 2.4 Kilomertres across.They are common in American Midwest where warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico travel up to 200 miles (322km)per hour.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Exploring the Universe with Telescope

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Q:1 Describe in precise statements various instruments which are being used in exploring the universe?

telescope picsANS:The universe can be explored by astronomical Instrument called telescope and by space probes sent from earth to other planets.When using telescopes visible part of the spectrum (where our eyes can see)but at the whole range of electromagnetic radiation.We thus have radio telescope infrared telescopes,X-ray telescops and even some telescopes that are burried deep underground looking for neutrions. 

Contributions of Muslims Scientists in field of biological science

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Muslims Scientists

The Muslim scientists made considerable progress in biology especially in botany and developed horticulture to a high degree of perfection.They paid greater attention to botany in comparison to zoology.Botany reached its zenith in spain.In zoology the study of the horse was developed almost to the tank of a science.Abu Ubaidah(728-825 A.D).Who wrote more than 100 books.devoted more than fifty books to the study of the horse.

Al-Jahiz :who flourished in Basra is reputed to be one of the greatest zoologists the Muslim world has produced.His influence in the subject may be traced to the Persian 'Al-Qazwini 'and the Egyptian  'AL-Damiri'.His book 'Ratab al Haywan'(book ori animals)contains germs of later theories of evolution ,adapation and animal psychology.

Al-Damiri:- who died in 1405 in Cairo and who was influenced by Al-Jahiz is the greatest Arab Zoologist .his book Hayat Haywarz (life of animal)is the most important Muslim work in zoology.It is an encyclopaedia on animal life containing a mine of  information on the subject .it cotains the history of animals and preceded butffon by 700 years.

Al-Masudi:-  has given the rudiments of the theory of evolution in his well known work-Meadows of gold.Another of his works Kitab al-Tanbih wal Ishraq advances his views on evolution namely from mineral to plant,from plant to animal and from animal to man.

Abu-Zakariya :-Yahya Ibn Muhammad Ibn-Al Awwan who flourished at the end of 12 century in Seville(Spain)was the author of the most Islamic treatise on agriculture during the mediaeval  times entiled Kitab al Filahah. 

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