Muslims Scientists
Al-Jahiz :who flourished in Basra is reputed to be one of the greatest zoologists the Muslim world has produced.His influence in the subject may be traced to the Persian 'Al-Qazwini 'and the Egyptian 'AL-Damiri'.His book 'Ratab al Haywan'(book ori animals)contains germs of later theories of evolution ,adapation and animal psychology.
Al-Damiri:- who died in 1405 in Cairo and who was influenced by Al-Jahiz is the greatest Arab Zoologist .his book Hayat Haywarz (life of animal)is the most important Muslim work in zoology.It is an encyclopaedia on animal life containing a mine of information on the subject .it cotains the history of animals and preceded butffon by 700 years.
Al-Masudi:- has given the rudiments of the theory of evolution in his well known work-Meadows of gold.Another of his works Kitab al-Tanbih wal Ishraq advances his views on evolution namely from mineral to plant,from plant to animal and from animal to man.
Abu-Zakariya :-Yahya Ibn Muhammad Ibn-Al Awwan who flourished at the end of 12 century in Seville(Spain)was the author of the most Islamic treatise on agriculture during the mediaeval times entiled Kitab al Filahah.
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